Not just a CPA.
What more can we do for you?
Crafting a World of Realized Potential
As a small business owner, your primary focus is sharing your passion with the world. That’s the beauty of entrepreneurship and a free market: you should be able to. It’s doubtful that your passion is filling out forms, arm wrestling with the IRS, or analyzing data to properly budget and forecast for the future. The good news; it’s ours. McNeely & McNeely provides bookkeeping and accounting services for small businesses across America, and our highly skilled accounting staff is committed to giving you all the tools necessary to let you focus on what you’re best in the world at. Find your passion, reach your potential, and let us do the rest.
Virtual CFO
As a business owner you’re expected to have all the answers, but if this is your first entrepreneurial rodeo, how could you? Prepare for your leadership role with a mentor with over 40 years of CFO experience. Our goal is to coach the full potential out of leaders.
Tax Services
Can you deduct that latte? If you have a Zoom meeting from your beach vacation, does that mai thai count as meals and entertainment?If you’ve asked these questions you’re not alone. Let us prepare your tax return and help save time, avoid costly penalties, and reduce stress.